Holiday Blog

What I did on my holidays

Friday, April 28, 2006


Well, I made it. Hoorah! Here I am in Boston. And I'm still awake! It's 8:25pm over here, which makes it about 1:25am in good ol' Blighty. Cripes!

I did opt for trying to get some sleep before my flight at stupid o'clock but was so paranoid about sleeping through the alarm that I kept waking up anyway. I'd like to take this opportunity to salute the good blokes who made it possible for Costa coffee to be open at half past five in the morning. Keep up the good work lads!

Heathrow was big and confusing but I made it to the right terminal and made it on to the right flight. Go me! I was slightly squiffy at 10:30am because I had imbibed rather a lot of duty free rum as several people had recommended getting drunk to aid sleep. It worked and I dozed off during take off!

I was slightly put out when I woke up a little later with a hangover and found that all the movies seemed to be a few months old and I'd seen them all... until I found Cinema Paradiso. Bonus! And it wasn't the director's cut. Double bonus! It's lovely but about an hour too long and, strangely, not as good as the cinema version. I dozed off half way through but when I woke up I found it playing on another channel and at just the point I had conked out at. What luck.

My luck held as my bag had been taken off the plane before the carousel broke down. I couldn't suppress a few utterances of "sweeeet" as I manhandled my bag past all the disgruntled travellers and gleefully scuttled out of arrivals.

Andy met me at airport. Yay! I was, and have been, totally spaced out through lack of sleep though so most of the journey to his house was spent squinting into the sunshine. Yup, it's lovely and sunny here. Whoopee!

Andy's looking after his landlady's 2 dogs at the moment, 2 Staffordshire bull terriers. They're lovely and friendly, but slobbery in that way that dogs are. Yeuch! One of them does the most toxic farts too. Oh Lordy!

Anyhoo, now we're settling in to watch Serenity cos Andy hasn't seen it but I have so it doesn't matter if I doze off again. The duty free rum'll be coming out again too. Yay! Then we'll see what adventures tomorrow brings.

Oh God, the dog's just pumped again! Aaaargh! Better go.

Nighty night xxx


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