Holiday Blog

What I did on my holidays

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


D'oh! I had a feeling I was supposed to have gone to the Science Museum sooner. I missed the blimming Star Wars exhibition by 2 days. Whoops! Oh well, I've been having bucketloads of fun anyway and I got to go shoe shopping today instead. Yay! Happy Marj!

*doing the happy dance... in gorgeous shoes*

The day started inauspiciously when the shower, usually hot with pressure so good you feel like you've been beaten up by a hoard of fairies with PMS (a delightfully vigorous experience), turned lukewarm just as I finished lathering up with shampoo. On the plus side at least it wasn't stone cold so rinsing off wasn't as bad as it could have been. The weather had turned nasty too, it was peeing down outside and quite cold. (Again though, in the warm fuzzy afterglow of purchasing lovely shoes, I can say this made me feel right at home. Aaah, shoes!) Anyhoo, despite the universe seemingly giving me the cat's bum at every turn, we ventured out to head to the Science Museum. At the Subway station the wifey in the ticket booth thoroughly confused me by giving me change of a dollar instead of a token and then made me feel like a bloody fool because I didn't understand what the frilly heck was going on. Andy kind of hinted that was bloody typical of folk in this town. They're a lovely bunch these Bostonians!

We headed into China town for some comfort food and ended up in a Malaysian restaurant called Penang. We had beef satay (are you jealous Matthew?) and noodley soup. Andy's was a sort of green curry seafood affair with "the best damn prawns" he'd eaten in ages. I think he said there was squid in there too. I ordered a delicious red curry kind of soup with skinny and fat noodles and lots of dubious looking things I couldn't identify. I'm still woefully squeamish about some foods I'm afraid but the noodles and vegetable matter I could identify were more than enough for me. It was lovely and all washed down with green tea. Yum.

Anyhoo, then we waddled to the Science Museum and found that we'd missed the exhibition. Bugger. Never mind, the gift shop was still good. I felt too full of food to wander around the museum so we decided to head back in to town. That's when that fool Andy said he didn't mind going shopping with me... and he'd take me to Filene's Basement. Somehow I perked up. It could have been due to the fact that Filene's Basement is bargainlicious baby! It's one of those places where you have to rake to find good stuff but I almost immediately came across a pair of pink, yes pink, Converse Allstars. It's as if they were there waiting just for me. Hoorah! It was a sign. Cast off the gourd and follow the shoe!!!

That led to a whirlwind of retail activity for me. I'd been wanting to find a copy of Dita Von Teese's book but Andy was sceptical I'd find one in puritanical Boston. I did find a copy in Barnes & Noble and we got a really good chuckle over the guy at the cash register who choked when he caught sight of the back cover. The book is entitled "Burlesque/Fetish and the Art of the Teese" and the back cover is the fetish one. Hee hee hee hee!

Anyway, inspired by Miss Von Teese, I was on a mission to find some gorgeous shoes in this land of tax free shopping and consumerism. I didn't think it would be that hard but apparently the Bostonians puritanical bent even extends to their taste in shoes. It's tragic! I do feel for the women in this town. However, I found my shoes in Macy's. Somehow Andy must have used some magical man spell to end the shopping pain because I found them just after he pointed out some sale racks and said "Maybe your perfect pair will be in there?" and there they were. Gorgeous black heels with a blue piping detail. Oh my, I'm in love! I'm in raptures over these shoes. I haven't taken a photo of them for you but I really should have. I've packed them in my suitcase already though. Harumph!

After I had tried the shoes on, found they fit beautifully (Oh joy! Oh Rapture!) and bought them we decided to head for home, via the bit of Boston where the uber-rich live. It's a nice looking part of town, from what I could tell through the drizzle. The public library in Boston looks great as well. I really liked the architecture of the building, it was simple yet very aesthetically pleasing. Boston has a lot of interesting and beautiful looking buildings.

Well, I'm heading for home tomorrow so my bag's all packed and I'm going to go make the most of the rest of my time here ;o)

Nighty night


P.S. (See picture of can above) I had to pick up a tin of this delicious looking substance for Barney. I almost fell over laughing when Andy pointed it out to me in the store.


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