Holiday Blog

What I did on my holidays

Monday, April 09, 2007

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane...

...But I know when I'll be back again. I'm only going for a week...

Cripes! 9 hours until I'll have to leave for the airport to catch my flight to Amsterdam. Then after a swift (??) 5 hour wait it'll be on to the flight for Abu Dhabi and then onto another flight for Bahrain. There to be met by Lady Nat Nat and hopefully whisked to the general vicinity of a bed and maybe a cheeky G&T, depending on what I can find in the duty free. If I can't get Hendricks (Lady Nat's favourite) then a bottle of Sailor Jerry's rum may have to do. It's a hard life ;o)

Well, my main concern at the moment is if I'm going to be able to lever myself out of bed in time or if I'll have a repeat performance of my 1999 jaunt to Canada. I set the alarm and it went off and woke me up... I just went back to sleep again and the next thing I knew there was a taxi at the door. At least I ordered the taxi in advance! I'm doing that again this time. I doubt I'm going to sleep much tonight as I'm too wound up. I'm quite a nervous traveller, not having done very much of it in my life. I'm definitely not going to go into Amsterdam during my stop over, that's probably just asking for trouble. I'd probably forget the time difference or underestimate the strength of the 'extra' that came with my coffee. Nope, I've got lots of chick lit to keep me going between flights - if I can stay awake.

Ok, time to go and check that I have packed everything. I have the potato scones, the books and the card from Marks & Spencer that I was asked to bring. I've got my fabulous espadrilles but I have to guage if there's room for the other pair. I've got my toothbrush and my shampoo. I've got a digital camera for taking pictures of camels with and I've got my flight pillow for drooling on during the flight. Money. Tickets. Passport. Anything else is a bonus.

Wish me bon voyage!

Oh, and the pretty picture is a possible example of what I will maybe see... It's more interesting than a picture of the dreich weather in Edinburgh at the mo anyway!


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