Holiday Blog

What I did on my holidays

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 2

As I said, sleep deprived. Uuuurgh. That didn’t stop me though and after a bacon buttie Nat and I went to hit the malls. And how was the weather on my first full day in Bahrain? Sandy. It was sandy. When we left the house the sky looked a bit like a dreich day in Edinburgh, but with a slightly more yellow tinge to it. There was no skyline of Bahrain to speak of because it was totally obscured by dust. Weird. The sun was there but you could look right at it without going blind because of the dust. I’m really surprised I only seemed to get grit in my eye towards the end of the day but once it was in there it was annoying enough.

So we went shopping in big air conditioned malls. That’s a more better! I’m having difficulty getting my head around the exchange rate but I think it’s add a zero and divide by seven. Buh? Well, seven Bahraini dinars is about a tenner and I kind of fudge it from there. They take all sorts of money in the shops here though. Bahraini dinars and the Saudi money to name the two most common. I’m kind of in awe of this seeing as we have to change Scottish notes to English in order to spend them down south and it’s the same frikkin’ country. Hey ho.

After a day of shopping we went to a British bar called Sherlocks to wet our whistles. There we met with a few of Nat’s friends and before I really knew what was going on I’d had 5 pints of cider and no dinner. D’oh! I don’t think I talked to much rubbish but I was definitely glad we left when we did and declined another round from the charming gentlemen (friends of Nat’s of course) who were buying the drinks. We went to the Fuddruckers for some food after that. Perfect drunk food – greasy with an amusing name. Needless to say I got to sleep with little difficulty that evening, but I think the copious amounts of cider helped with that.

The picture above is nicked from Lady Nat Nat's Flickr page because my Fuddrucker pictures are still imprisoned on the digital camera. Hopefully I'll get them downloaded sooooooon.


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