Holiday Blog

What I did on my holidays

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 3

The mosque manny didn’t wake me up this morning but I still inexplicably woke up at 6:30am with a mouth that tasted like a student’s sock. Unable to put off finding H2O any longer I got up at about 7:30am, got the precious liquid, tried and failed to doze off again and spent a few hours reading until I heard Nat stirring. We spent a wee while lazing in the sun by the pool (coated in the factor 30) and then it was off to shop again. This time Nat took me to the Jimmy Choo shop and I did get to press my nose against the window. We took a surreptitious picture of me outside looking sheepish as that part of the mall was quite deserted and the security were definitely wondering what we were up to. Or is that just my paranoia?

I didn’t get a pair of Jimmy’s but I did buy a very, very sexy pair of 4 inch black patent peep toe slingbacks with a bit of a platform heel for only 10 Bahraini Dinars. Phwoaarrrr! They’re so lovely Nat got a pair too. I’m tempted to go back for the same in red but that may be depriving some other pair of gorgeous shoes a place in my luggage so I will resist. Sigh. Well, you know what they say – Red shoes, nae knickers… Apparently. Doesn’t sound very hygienic to me! Black shoes, big pants? Who knows!?!

By this point it was becoming obvious that I was coming down with some dreaded lurgy. Typical! I’m not sure if I caught it before I left or if it comes from sucking up all that recycled plane air but I was sneezing all over the place and definitely starting to feel a bit grotty. We got stocked up on drugs but I was feeling dodgy enough to decide to give the Fashion TV party a skip. Booo! I got a bit of glamour when we nipped into the Ritz Carlton to drop something off for Barbara, Nat’s dear mama. They had security searching all the cars as they went in because that’s where a lot of the Formula One people stay and all the palm trees were covered in these greeny/turquoise lights that I now covet for my Xmas tree. They also have a camel at the front door you can have your picture taken with. Apparently they douse the poor creature with CK1 to hide the natural camel aroma. I think that should be the advertising slogan – can mask the honk of a camel so imagine how it’ll make you smell!

So yes, Nat went to the Fashion TV Grand Prix opening party and I decided to miss it because I was full of snot. Can you believe it? What a total bummer. There was a spectacular thunder storm that evening as well so I was on my holidays, choked full of the cold and it was pissing with rain. Brilliant! Actually, I was still having a great time by this point. Watching the big forks of lighting from the roof of the house was spectacular, until they were right over us and then we beat a hasty retreat back indoors.

Things started to go downhill when the cable telly broke and the DVD player decided to play silly beggars with me. I don’t think Barbara’s electrical equipment likes me. I got the TV/DVD in my room working and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Jonny Depp version. Ah Jonny, such a comfort when one is ill – even in that movie!

But I could not get to sleep. Waaaaaargh! I was still lying there awake when mosque man did his thing at around 4:30am. I dozed off sometime around dawn but woke up again a few hours later. Not good. Not good at all.


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