Holiday Blog

What I did on my holidays

Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 4.

I am well and truly stuffed with the cold and feeling shite. I’m sleep deprived, snotty and now it hurts when I cough. Typical. I tried to keep my spirits up by slathering myself in sun cream, parking it by the pool and baking the germs out of me but it was no good. At about 3 o’clock this afternoon, when Barbara and Nat were out on an errand and I was left alone to brood and cough and sneeze and blow my nose yet again, I confess I started to feel really, really sorry for myself. I’m now home alone while Nat’s off to some party on a yacht. I thought I might have made it out but then it really started to hurt when I cough so common sense prevailed and I’m staying in… again. Sigh. I hope I can get some sleep this evening. I made a hot toddy of Lemsip, honey and a generous dash of rum earlier so fingers crossed that helps.

Mind you, I’m just home alone with a cold. The party Nat’s gone to is supposed to be a huge affair with a famous American DJ. One of her friends organised it and put a hideous amount of money into it and the rain and wind are on again and instead of the 3000 revellers they were expecting Nat estimates they’ll get about 500. Yipe! Suddenly my runny nose doesn’t seem like such a big deal after all. Let’s just hope and pray I’m feeling better tomorrow! Is it time for another one of those hot toddies yet?

The picture above is Nat ready to go out and partay. You can't see it but she's got the killer heels on with that outfit. Yowsah!


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